What's the difference between your new girlfriend and a tornado? At first, there is a lot of blowing and then your house will be gone
Where did Sally go when the bomb went off? - Everywhere.
WOW this ultra realistic jenga is awesome!🔥🔥
Osama Bin Laden thrown in ocean!
People who helped with the Twin Towers Destruction: .....
when the south tower saw the north tower collapse he say I'm still standing.
What's another name for 9/11?
A forbidden game of Jenga
are you the twin towers? cause you sure upgraded
What do you call hitler when he gets thrown? A gas grenade
9/11 is like me after im finished with my lego house. I destroy it 😄🤣
Where did Sarah go after the bombing?
Everywhere. 💀
Where do suicide bombers go after death?
You know I used to call my dogs balls the twin towers until they came rumbling down
The parentless child stood as her orphanage was blown up by a kamakazi I had rented
Nice! Angry Birds really has improved.
Q: Why can't science be combined with religion?
A: 'Cause science creates skyscrapers and planes, while religion combines them.
Osama Bin Laden is the best Angry Birds player of all time.
The only thing brighter than my future is the fire on the World Trade Center.
Why are Japanese always so skinny?
Cause last time there was a fat man, an entire city disappeared.
The twin towers were basically Angry Birds but in real life.
Why is the USA bad at Clash Royale? 'Cause they already lost two towers.