What do the twin towers and my ex-girlfriend have in common? They both went down on my dad.
Why is the tower of Pisa leaning Because unlike the twin towers it can doge
Men vacuum in the same way that they have sex.
They just put it in and make some noise for 3 minutes before they collapse on the couch and think that their wife should be really happy.
What game did Al-Qaeda Play With The Twin Towers On September 11th 2001? Jenga.
What did the Mexican man say when his house fell on him?
Get off me homes.
I was talking to my welsh friend the other day and he suddenly started talking welsh to me then collapsed after the first few sentences. Turns out he had a stroke
I'm pretty sure that 9/11 was the biggest game of Jenga ever recorded in history
What do terrorists do on 9/11? They have a game of Jenga.
Why were the twin towers upset? They ordered domino’s but got jets
A father and three sons are renovating a house when a wall of that house collapses and breaks the fathers back. Keeping calm he tells the sons, "well, I guess this is what you would call back-breaking labor." He chuckled then passed out from pain.
when the south tower saw the north tower collapse he say I'm still standing.
I took a pole today. 100% of the people in the tent were unhappy that it collapsed.
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He’s not breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911.
“I think my friend is dead!” he yells. “What can I do?”
The operator says, “Calm down. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.”
There’s a silence, then a shot. Back on the phone, the guy says, “OK, now what?”
the twin towers collapsed faster then my grandma did.
What was the Twin Towers favorite game? Jenga
What did the pedestrian say after he saw the twin towers fell?
Whats the difference between the twin towers and the poeple at the old folks home. They both collapsed
what is another name for 9/11? a forbidden game of jenga
What is the difference between the titanic and the twin towers? They both went down.
*Knock knock*
Why are you knocking on a wall, you're in the Twin Towers and they're going down