What do you call an emo kids suicide live stream? America’s funniest home videos
Why cant orphans have a funeral? Because their parents wont be there
They asked me to speak at this funeral, and I said “Of corpse”!
Bleach solves so many problems: stains, dirty dishes, messes, and overpopulation.
I have a the best life coach ever, because he taught to not care. He did it so well that he died last week, and I still don’t care.
Think everyone who wrote these jokes are dead yet?
Are you a grave, 'cause I want you on me
Q:Why did the first Koala Fall off the tree A: Because it was dead Q: Why did the second Koala fall out of the tree? A: Because it was dead too. Q:Why did the third Koala fall off the tree A: Because it was hit by the other two Koalas on the way down Q:Why did the fourth Koala fall off the tree A: Because it thought it was a game and joined in Q: Why did the fifth Koala fall off the tree A: Because it was curious to see where the others were going Q: Why did the sixth Koala fall off the tree A: It was tied to the fifth koala Q: Why did the seventh Koala fall off the tree A: Peer group pressure
Killing someone is better than kill yourself.
They say that "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" but I find it a lot easier to go through the ribcage.
This kid was going to sleep and h said night mum night dad and night gramma and bye grandpa next morning grandpa died and the next night he said night dad night mum night grandma and gramma died the next morning and the next night he said night mum bye dad and they heard the postman died bc he was the dad lol
What's the difference between meat and fish?
If you beat your fish, it'll die.
Steven hawking did not die he deleted him self
After I am dead during my funeral service I want some one to play my favorite song by Boy George and Culture Club " Church of the Poison Mind"
I am a dead baby -end joke-
What is the difference between cremation and smoking? while you are smoking you don't go up in smoke
What the difference between a feminist and Hitler?
Both were good at starting wars, only difference was Hitler knew when to kill himself afterwards.
If your sleeping, and you fall in your dream, you may have died, and the angels dropped you Or you don't wake up, and you were on your way to hell
Where can you find a list of dead astronauts? In the orbituaries.
Girl playing outside: step on a line and you break your mommy's spine She then steps on a line and her mother keels over screaming
Girl playing outside :step on a crack and you break daddy's back She steps on a crack the mailman next door then keels over screaming
The husband starts celebrating gets in the car and starts to drive away
The son comes outside and steps on a crack
The dad then dies in a car crash