
Continent Jokes

So one day, I took a trip to Russia, and saw Vladimir Putin walking in the streets without any body guards. Seeing as how I looked just like him, we switched places for a few days. After two days, some officer came up to me and asked if we were going to project блять, and I had said yes, and the officer said god help us. So a day later, I heard on the news that every other continent, and the moon were destroyed. I then approached the officer and said. I thought you meant we were having a giant orgy. He said we did, and that we were extremely drunk.

Hi there! My name is Michael Grover, and I am an explorer. Ever since I’ve been little, I’ve loved searching for new things. As a baby, my parents kept finding me in nooks and crannies around the house. “On the search” as they would say. By the age of 5, I had been to every continent on the planet, barring Antarctica. For my 12th birthday, my parents got me diving lessons, and by the time I was 13, I could scuba dive to a depth of 40 meters, as well as go cave diving. I got a pilot’s license by the age of 17, and I learned to sail just before my 18th birthday. Instead of going to university, I decided to travel around South America, exploring its rich jungles and beautiful landscapes. During my trip, I met my now wife who was also an explorer. For our honeymoon, we sailed around the Caribbean and we discovered 3 new islands which we named after the cats that I had growing up. Over the course of my life, I have come across great treasures and wondrous experiences. But in all my life, and in all my travels, I’m afraid I have never come across a single person who cared about what you just said.


What is the continent that AWAYS sleeps and sleeps and sleeps and that is so tired that it won’t wake up? Eur-ope

Prince will be commeing back in 10 mins here is a joke

Gwen: Prince sorry but I'm wanting some one else instead. You've just been a complete jackass towards me, sorry good night.

Prince: Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen: Good night!

Prince: Why?

Gwen: good night!

Prince: We can work somethings out?

Gwen: Nope...NOW GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!

To be contined

Snover1:You can't pass through Snow Way!

Squirtle: Why I can't pass through Snow Way?

Snover1: There's snow in the way.

Snover2:Yeah, you can't get past through the snow while it's on the way, to continous.

Squirtle: What? There's snow in here the whole time. What is this? Snow Society-?!


Squirtle:Who is that?

Snover2:That is Snow.

Squirtle:What?! That is giant snow tree thing is Abomasnow!

Snover2:Oops! Don't be a Halt!



Snovers: That was a JOKE, Squirtle be FROZEN, just let it go, let it go!