Who will win the war like for Russia dislike for Ukraine
What is better than winning gold at the Para Olympics? WALKING!
why was the bad baseball player so good at bowling?
He kept making strikes.
Bro, I love hanging out with bullies. It's either we play Yahtzee or we playing Nazi.
Roses are red i hate snitches you talk a lot of game for a guy with 3in
Why did the smart orphan loose the tech competition?
The motherboard was no where to be found
I was playing a tennis match against a girl and said, "I will fuck you up." She said, "Try me." So that's exactly what I did, and I won by forfeit as she ended up running away crying.
I bet when 2 cheetahs race and one of them cheats the other one says “ your such a Cheetah!” Then they laugh and go and eat a zebra or whatever.
Yo mama is so short, Minions look down at her. Yo mama is so fat that she volunteered for the hunger games cuz she thought it was a eating competition. Yo mama is so ugly when santa claus saw her. He yelled "Ho Ho Holy Sh*t" Yo mama is so old, when she walked into an antique store, they didnt let her leave Yo mama is so stupid she sold her car for gas money.
Why are Americans badar clash Royale
Because they have already lost 2 towers
2 magicians were in a competition the first one did magic and the second started counting down 3 2 but before he said the last number he 1
A French, a German and an Italian make a race to who resists the most in a room full of flies. The French starts, which after a quarter of an hour comes out. Then goes the German, who comes out after an hour. Finally the Italian enters who comes out after five hours. The French: "But how did you do it?" The Italian: "I killed one." The German: "So what?" The Italian: "And then they were all busy for the funeral!"
When a cookie 🍪 wins a race, what will the crowd say?
“Chip Chip Hooray!”
why humans hate aliens because fortnite took them out of the game and i want aliens back in fortnte
My cousin: Brother I lost in a game of Call of Duty: Moe Bill [he was supposed to pronounce it as mobile however I left it as it is] Me: so tell me about it then. My cousin: I lost to Sum_Baldi Me: somebody? Don’t they have like the name of you opponents? My cousin: no no no the name was Sum_Baldi. S.U.M_B.A.L.D.I Me: Ok my bad. Continue My cousin: I got Sum_Baldi and 5 seconds later I got kill but [by] Sum_Fing_Wong. Me: it’s not wrong! In call of duty, you are suppose to kill or be killed. My cousin: no no no the name was Sum_Fing_Wong. S.U.M_F.I.N.G_W.O.N.G Me: my bad again. Do continue. My cousin: I got so angry I blowup Me: so you got blowed up, by what weapon? My cousin: by the game. Me: [was not expecting that for an answer]
Russia vs Ukraine is ultimate csgo match ever!
Why can't Hitler join track?
Because he can't even finish a race.
Why did the African win the food eating contest. Begginers luck.
Russia and Ukraine are running a marathon. Who do you think won? Russia did. Russia gave Ukraine a migraine.
South’s losing to broncos😹