Teacher: What do you want when you grow up?
That depressed kid in class: Dead.
Teacher: What do you want when you grow up?
That depressed kid in class: Dead.
Is it classed as down under if you eat out an Australian chick?
me: *opens a bag of hot cheetos in class*- all my friends: hey bro can i have sum- people i dont know: Pleaze lemme have some PLEAZE i'll be your best friend- people i say no to: (⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)(⊙-⊙)
There is someone in my class named Henry Rocket Rueben, and he always says he rockets into my mom.
If a Sped is late for class is it wrong to call them tardy
We where watching a 9/11 documentary in class and I said "Man they are really bad at Jenga"
I was siting in class when my theacher said have any questions the SUSpenDID Class clown said whos joe so teach said joe who so the clown said joe mama so i said what in the BALLS so i ended up stay in detention with the clown ah so cozy
the smartest kid in my class say is-land insted of il-and
When your whatching a 9/11 documemtry that one kid in your class finds the 97th jenga block ands knocks it down
Why do american guns only have 30 rounds. because its the average class size
Why do women need a pay rise? Isn't the glass ceiling high enough?