
Character Jokes

Snover1:You can't pass through Snow Way!

Squirtle: Why I can't pass through Snow Way?

Snover1: There's snow in the way.

Snover2:Yeah, you can't get past through the snow while it's on the way, to continous.

Squirtle: What? There's snow in here the whole time. What is this? Snow Society-?!


Squirtle:Who is that?

Snover2:That is Snow.

Squirtle:What?! That is giant snow tree thing is Abomasnow!

Snover2:Oops! Don't be a Halt!



Snovers: That was a JOKE, Squirtle be FROZEN, just let it go, let it go!

Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker is like Heath Ledger if he overdosed on prescription drugs... Oh, wait. He already did.

Why Did Snow White Get Kicked Out Of Disneyland?

She Sat On Pinocchio's Face And Said: "Lie To Me! Lie To Me!"

What did the lady say when she sat on Pinocchio face: Tell a truth tell a lie tell a truth tell a lie tell a truth