
Role Jokes

Stephen Hawking is such a bad role model for our kids.

He only ever looks one way when crossing the street.


In chess, why does the queen have more mobility than the king?

Because the chessboard looks like a kitchen floor.

I was in an audition for the lead role of movie 'Aquaman'. The Director told me to dive into a pool. Then outta nowhere Penaldo showed up and made a big dive into the pool. The director was impressed and selected Penaldo for the movie.Shame on you penaldo for destroying my dream

I went up to a priest and asked if he participated in NNN. He replied "How can I, with all these people calling me daddy?"

Everybody is wondering what position Kenny will give his brother in their new company. Probably top. Kenny likes to be the bottom in every sexual encounter.

Hailey: "Hey Brayden!"

Brayden: "Hey!"

*Music roles around*

*I tell Brayden Hailey likes him*

Brayden: "O_O"

Hailey: *Hides*

So sad </3 xD

Not many people know this, but Soulja Boy was the lead role in a very successful children's movie awhile ago. Released to theaters nationwide in 2006 was Honey, I Crunked the Kids.