A blind woman told her husband someone is coming ,he asks how do know you cant see .she replies ,i can taste it.
How do you get 50 hungry kids into a box. You put a can of beans in there.
how do you get 50 hungry kids out of a box. you run pass with a can opener.
You can assume a horse is called a great jumper when the horse’s name is “Polo Neck.”
A shark can swim faster than me, but I can run faster than a shark.
So in a triathlon, it would all come down to whoever can ride a bike the fastest.
You know what would be the best last thing to say before you die? "No, you certainly can't.” JFK’s assassin certainly can!
How can you make a woman scream your name when you have sex with her?
Change your name to "Rape."
Your mom is so small that she can fit in the luggage
A pecan is motivated because pe-can do anything.
You pe-can do it!
How many people can you fit in a car? 6 - 3 in the back, 2 in the front and my nan in the ash tray.
What kind of nuts come in cans? Creamed a-corn.
(True story)
One day Sally's mom said "I can just eat you up!" And Sally says "no you can't!" Then the mom asks why and Sally says "because I'm a beaner and we don't taste good."
Can two high-femme lesbians go on a date with each other? Yes, but it will take them forever to get ready.
I can tell a joke :)
Twinkle, twinkle, there's a car Coming like a shooting star. I will stand in the way. I will not be seen again. Are you happy I am dead? Now you made it to the end.
Why can,t orphan have sex because they have no one to call daddy
why do orphans pick apples because thats the only thing they can pick
My boyfriend, Danny, broke up with me. Can some hot guy come, so I can interview them and see if they wanna date me?
If anyone can see Alya KUHL plss tell me! I love and miss her...
When you tell the men in the suits you can see that the demons of your sins are watching you...
But they know your blind.
Why can we see or sense kamikazes' bombs?
They're out of plane sight.