What competition do nuts participate in? The peanut butter cup.
I’d tell you a secret about peanut butter, but you might spread it.
You're so fat you need butter to get in the car.
Why did Hitler's cookies taste bad? He forgot to clean out the oven.
Man, my brother has a tight, buttered butthole. The veins in my cock throb when he comes over!
Why did John throw the butter out? Because John wanted to see the butterfly.
Why did Leah throw the butter out of the window? To see a butterfly!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter
Have you heard the gossip about the butter? Oh, I guess I better not spread it.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peanut. Peanut who? Peanut butter open the door!
When you throw your peanut butter sandwich at the nut allergy table 25+ kill streak
The Britain’s walk in the house of the alcoholic grandad they ask Mary the mum why she had blood all over her and she said someone dropped the butter they walked into the living room and Thomas was dead on the floor
Why do people in Alabama like peanut butter and jelly? because it’s in bread
How did the flapjack feel when syrup was drizzled on him?
My grandma said, hey you want a butter finger cause I do. Me:grandpas in the kitchen if you want a finger.
Butter butter and butter please please bring me butter
How to make emo cakes: Milk Butter Eggs Sugar We're Going Down Swinging
Why was there peanut butter in the middle of the road?
It went with the traffic jam.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Butter. Butter who? I butter not tell you.
When is the peanut butter due to arrive?
In a Jif.