Make like your hairline and scram!
What type of bird does not have feathers on itself?
A bald eagle.
You're so bald, when you wear a turtleneck, you look like one!
What's the hardest part of eating bald pussy? Pulling the diapers back up when you're done!
What do you call a guy with a bald head and loves to eat biscuits, raisins and caster sugar? - Gary Baldy (Garibaldi)
Why are bald people very easily manipulated by a shower?
Because when they take a bath, they get brainwashed!
You're so bald, when you wear a turtleneck, you look like roll-on deodorant!
You're so bald, the Hair Club for Men has elected you president.
You're so bald, I can see what's on your mind.
You're so bald, I rub your head to see into the future.
You get no bitches said the man to the 60 year old reckneck virgin guy who is obese and balding with "trump" stuff plastered all over his pickup truck.
what do you call bald science teacher
Why don't bald eagles brush their teeth? Because they don't have teeth! xD
I looked at you, and you were bald until I got slapped up by Will Smith to the back of your head and saw the Great Wall of China.
When you ask your brother where his hairline is, and he points where it's supposed to be, and you say, "I don't see one there."
Your hairline is so far back even The Rock Johnson couldn't find it.
What is the worst thing about licking a bald fanny?
Putting the nappy on afterwards.
Trump: Caillou, can you please stop whining? That squirrel didn’t just eat our pizza, he also ditched your dad, and he’s your stepdad now.
Caillou: Why I’m bald, Trumpy?
Trump: I don’t know, but what I do know is that you’re a massive shit stain.
Why don't Bald Eagles like fast food? It always runs away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
What did the bald man exclaim when he received a comb for a present?