whats an orphans fav meme. Homer going into a bush might take a while to notice and this one is bad
what do you call an Asian a blind man a very bad driver.
roses are red violets are bl- oh yeah i'm bad at jokes
my mom give me your stuff bc u have bad grades me HOW ABOUT MY 5 LITTLE BROTHER I HAVE A- HE HAS f- she lets him play anyway and i dont
your hairline so bad it went down like the twin towers
My frien liam has a hairline [if you can even call it a hairline] so bad it keeps going back for miles.
Why is UK bad at chess? Because they already lost their queen.
I have a huge thought, if s@tan punishes people who are bad, doesn't that make him good.
Your hairline is so bad not even god could save it
How did Helen Keller dance? Very Bad How did Helen Keller drew? With her hand
Why are orphans so bad at baseball Because they can’t find home
Yo barber fucked so bad he had to get a breathalyzer test.
Yo barber fucked up so bad he pulled out a plants vs zombies map and that shii fit perfectly
i work on medicine my jod is to smell it to see if its bad :)
When my son was little, he loved to draw. Although he would always rip up the paper whenever there was one little slip up. Too bad he became a tattoo artist.....
My neighbor has been mad at his wife for sunbathing nude. I personally am on the fence.
Your hairline is so bad that it looks like you have Ironman's helmet on your head.
How many Michael Jacksons does it take to screw a light bulb?
Oh wait, Michael Jackson only screws little boys, my bad.
Why can't orphans play baseball, they don’t know where home is
I made a website for orphans, but it doesn't have a home page
Doctor: I’m going to have to turn you away. Orphan: But why? Doctor: Because I’m a family doctor Why do orphans like boomerangs, cause they come back
Why do orphans become criminals? To know what it’s like to be Wanted. Girls are like rocks the flat ones get skipped
What an orphans least favorite tv show, Family Guy
If you hit an orphan what are they going to do tell their parents
If you hit an orphan with a car at least you don't have to tell their parents
Why did the orphan go to church? So he had someone to call Father What does a orphan call a family photo, a selfie Why was the orphan a big success, cause people say go big or go home he only had one option Why is it ok to hit an orphan? It’s not like they can tell their parents.
What’s an orphan’s least favorite store? Home Depot.
What do orphans and blind kids have in common, the can’t see their parents
Why can't orphans hear about ancient Egypt, because they don’t know what a mummy is
Why are orphans bad at poker, because they don't know what a full house is
What do you call a virgin from Alabama? An orphan.
Help, my ADHD is so bad that not even I can focus in a concentration camp.