
Asked Jokes

Luigi was dying had two sons Bruno was handsome but Alberto was ugly He said Maria tell me is the is Alberto my son Yes Luigi his wife said and he died happily Wife said thank God he didn’t ask about the other one !!

Julius Caesar walks into a bar and orders a Martinus. The bartender asks, "Don't you mean Martini?" Julius Caesar says, "No, I only want one."

My mom asked my doctor, "Why is my unvaccinated baby crying?" The doctor replied, "He's going through a Mid-life Crisis

Why did Oliver have no friends?

His last name was Clothesoff and all the other kids would get in trouble whenever they would ask to play with Oliver Clothesoff.

These cannibal kids come running into the cave and ask their mom what's for dinner? She says "Dad's gonna grill wieners"

A Roman walks into a bar and orders a martinus,the bartender says "Don't you mean a Martini?"the Roman then says "Look,if I want a double I'll ask for one.

I was the manager at a McDonald’s in Turin when I saw Penaldo walk in and submit a job application, I asked him to show me his skills and experience but he just started diving and asking for pens and tapins, I was confused until Penaldo told me that’s all he knows how to do.

I saw a kid crying so I asked them where their parents were.

God, I love working at an orphanage!

Little Susie had gotten her first period. She told her mom and they bought pads. The next month, Susie's mom asked if she had her second one. Suzie said no and her mom fainted

Spock went to the enterprises toilet and he knocked on it "Kirk are you in there?" Spiked asked, Kirk answered "hold on i am making a captains log"

I walked into an orphanage and asked a kid why are they crying They said: Because I lost my parents I said: lets find them they cried harder so I walked out of the orphanage.

"Dad what is 69?" asks son Dad: Well son, it a position where a man and women pleasure each other orally. Son: So what shall I write? Odd or even.

My friend asked me once, "Is there any religion in the world that preaches a god who masturbates in a closed room." "Islam it is."

I saw a kid crying yesterday and i asked him, “where are your parents”? Than he started crying harder.

A girl walks in the room she asks her my why's my name flower her mom said when you were born a flower fell on your head brick walks in the room jasvidnqzkdvsosbd

Guy is at athletic meet. asks guy if he is a pole vaulter. He replies, No I am German and how did you know my name was Walter.

A man once ate the left-side of a person one guy watching asked if the guy he was eating was okay. the man eating him said "No... it's okay he's alright now."

Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?

Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they all said, "Bach, Bach, Bach."

Yesterday I asked my friend “ What is a fish without eyes” They replied “I don’t know” I said “ fsh “