Your forehead is like a line, it just keeps going.
Popular girl: Sorry I'm late.
Teacher: Why are you late!
Girl: I need my beauty sleep.
Nerd: Well, you might need to hibernate because you ain't pretty.
Cardi B has very long nails.
Yo hairline is built like the Mississippi River.
A prisoner dug out of prison. He appeared in a playground. He said, "I'm free, I'm free!" A kid said, "So what? I'm four."
Yo mama slept with so many guys she's starting to look like one.
Your mama is so funny looking that when the doctor called her, he said, "Never visit me again. I hope you die!"
You're so skinny, you use chapstick as deodorant.
Your hairline is so far back that my father couldn't even reach the store in time before it grew!
Yo, hairline goes farther back than the Big Bang theory!
I know your hairline's pretty bent, but your gender's on a different level.
Your hairline so far back.
Even LeBron James had a good laugh!
Don't worry, the forehead jokes were recommended just like your hairline.
What's the difference between a gay man and a hairline?
The hairline is way straighter.
I told my friends that are gay that my hairline's straighter than he will ever be.
Your hairline is so bald, Mr. Clean even said it's bald!
I got a call from McDonald's; they want their sign back.
Yo mama so ugly,
they won’t give her a vaccine so she can keep wearing her mask.
Your hairline [is] so bad it went down like the Twin Towers.
A poor person came up to me and said, "You're ugly." I said, "You remind me of Spider-Man: No Way Home."