
Aloneness Jokes

A man and a boy were walking through a dark forest, the boy said “I’m scared” the man said “Why are you scared I’m the one who’s going to leave these woods alone

Kid: my parents want to meet you, you wanna come over. Orphan: Na I’m good, I’m going to watch home alone, it’s the only movie that I can think of that’s related to me.

A man was taking a child into a dark forest. The child said, "I'm scared..." The man replied, "Well I have to walk home alone."

There was an exam music quiz question about gary glitter, now if there's anyone you don't want to associate with the phrase "shh turn over, you've got an hour" .. it's him..

shit my bad.. I should leave him alone, he just wants to settle down and have kids

Why did the cop ask the Orphan he was home alone.

The orphan said because my parents have never came back yet because I have none

When you fall asleep on the couch and wake up in your bed.

But you know you live alone

is'nt a gaming console something people use to not be alone?


Jordan u stupid ass! Addison never botherd u so leave her FUCK alone! How about this. get up go outside, stop being an jackass and get fucking life!