kid: #1: You're adopted. kid#2: At least they wanted me. kid #1: Did your real parents want you?
Why do orphans never get a car?
Because their parents need to buy them one.
It's not incest if you're adopted.
Why don’t orphans have sex? Coz they have no one to call daddy
Q Why do orphans like boomrangs A They come back unlike their parents
My enemy told me I’m adopted, so I told him at least I got adopted.
Me: Hey, I’m your mom.
Orphan: Yay, you came back!
Me: Sike!
Mom:lets have an adoption party! Kid:cries Mom:what’s wrong? Kid:IM ADOPTED????
Why don’t orphans like baseball???
They have no home to run to
You know, you should adopt a pet. So then you can feel the pain that your parents felt when they adopted you... wait... also the regret after.
What film do orphans hate?
"Instant Family."
Dad: Want to go to the park, kid?
Kid: Sure.
Dad: Come on.
Kid: Why are we at the orphanage?
Dad: Go in.
Ur adopted.
One man's trash is another man's treasure he said when he found out his parents split up and is adopted
What are the similarities between orphans and unripe strawberries?
None of them get picked.
Why do orphans hate dad jokes? They never return
I dressed up as Darth Vader at an orphanage and said, "I am your father!"
When you realize your friend standing next to you is adopted and narrates everything he does.
So things are just too tiring to sort out... like which adoption center you should send your son to?
Dad: Hey, uh... you're adopted.
Dog: *frown*