Your dad

Your Dad Jokes

Fat jokes and mom jokes😂

1 So fat when she sat on the toilet she said a b c d e f g get your fat ass off me.

2 So fat your dad her were in bed and tried to kiss he’d have to slap her belly and ride the third wave up.

3 Yo mama so fat that when she went to Japan in a green bikini they all started yelling Godzilla Godzilla.

4 your mama’s so fat when she went bungee jumping she broke the bridge!

5 bill was so fat when he stepped in the scale it said to be continued.

6 yo mamma so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.

Your hairline is running away faster than when your dad went to get milk and that’s saying something

Knock, knock. (Whose there?) Your dad. (But my dads dead.) I know, just reminding you!

guy1:hey can you stop making 9 11 jokes my dad died during it guy2:sorry i will stop what was your dad guy1:the pilot he saw a kfc and wanted it so well you know