
Women Jokes

There is a man and a women on a date.

The women asked what kind of things do you love.

The table starts to lift up on the mans side and the man says sorry.

Why is it best to date suicidal women? Because if there's no pulse, there's no need for consent.

Why did God invent yeast infections? So women would know what it's like to live with an irritating cunt too

Woman: A woman’s life is harder, there is mestration, Periods, birth... Man: The Men have to deal with Women

So I was watching YouTube and then my Friend says “Those videos never get old” and I replied “Just like a Make-A-Wish kid” and after I said that he shot me in the head and said “And now neither do you.” And now I’m in heaven and God says to me “Welcome to Paradise where it is summer days, clear skies and I said “Are there summer women” and now here I am in Hell with my buddy Hitler. I believe he’s a hero. After he killed Hitler

What's the difference between property and women? At least property still retain some value after getting wrecked

An old professor’s class used, to begin with, a dirty joke. Following one particularly vulgar joke, the girls in the class decided to walk out the next time he began. When the professor learned of this planned protest, he came in the next morning and said, “Good morning, class. Did you hear about the scarcity of wh*res in Newfoundland?” With that, all the women stood up and headed for the door. “Wait, ladies,” called the professor, “The boat doesn’t leave until tomorrow!”

Teacher, there is 3 birds 1 gets shot how many are left.

Student, non they flew off because the shot scared them off.

Teacher, acautly 2 but i like the way you think.

5 minutes later

Student, there is 3 women eating ice cream 1 licking it 1 drinking it melted and 1 sucking it which one is married.

Teacher,the one sucking it?

Student, no the one with the ring but i like the way you think.

Did you hear about the boy who got raped by a group of women in the park whilst jogging? Now there are lots of male joggers in the area.