Why do men give cold women their jackets?
No man wants a blowjob from a woman with chattering teeth.
Why do men give cold women their jackets?
No man wants a blowjob from a woman with chattering teeth.
Why do women wear panties with flowers on them?
In loving memory of all the faces that have been buried there.
Surveys show that 80% of women who wear yoga pants never do yoga.
And 100% of men don’t care.
Islamic pubs and bars are the worst.
You can't drink alcohol or dance.
Women can get stoned though, no questions asked.
Why do trans women make the best golf course grounds staff?
They’re enthusiastic about getting rid of unwanted balls.
I’d make a joke about prostitutes and women sleeping with multiple men, but it would just be whore-ible.
Why are Black women dating white men?
So their kids don’t have to worry about not meeting their father.
I told my brother if he wanted to have a wonderful first day of school, then he should put a cookbook in the women's sports section at the school library.
My favorite thing to do in libraries is put cook book in the women’s sports section
What do you call a crowd of horny white women?
A field of cotton waiting to be picked.
What’s the difference between women and cars?
At least cars retain some of their value after getting wrecked.
Boobs are like friends: you have big ones, small ones, real ones, fake ones, but they all get taken out by cancer.
Why does OSHA require women to wear panties?
Because every manhole needs a cover.
Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are on a sinking ship Joe Biden says we need to save the women and children. Bill Clinton says screw the women and children Joe Biden says do we have that much time?
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and George Washington are on a sinking ship. As the boat sinks, George Washington heroically shouts: “Save the women!” George W. Bush hysterically hollers: “Screw the women!” Bill Clinton asks excitedly: “Do we have time?
"Dude, can you believe Republicans are opposed to homosexuality, women's rights, and immigration, yet they are silent when it comes to incest and child molestation?"
"Well, I'm not surprised. Republicans have to win the Alabama vote, or else."
Why did God create yeast infections?
So women would know what it's like to live with an annoying cunt.
Me: What has two legs and bleeds?
Friend: Um, women? Obviously?
Me: Actually, half a dog. So you're still right.