
Weird Jokes

It's weird being an autistic eugenicist. On one hand I want pussy and on the other hand I don't wanna pollute the white race with my genetic filth

Once i was walking along the beach and there was a girl with no arms or legs there, i walked by and she said excuse me, will you touch me ive never been touched before, i was like okay so i touched her, i kept on walking along and there was the same girl, she said sir will you kiss me, i went alright so i went up and kissed her, i thought that was weird but anyway i kept walking along and there she was again, she said sir will you fuck me? I went okay so i picked her up and threw her in the ocean and went YOUR FUCKED NOW

Dislike this if you think orphans are weird like this if you think orphans are cool

After getting in the White House, D.Trump gets a letter.... ... from the Iranian president. He opens it and to his surprise there is a paper with a weird looking code on it:

370HSSV 0773H

All confused, Trump contacts the FBI and forwards the letter to them in hope they can figure out the meaning, but they weren't able to. Trump gets angry and sends the letter to both the CIA and NSA, and they also fail to figure out the meaning of the letter.

One of the agents suggest Trump to ask for MI6's help, so he does and few minutes after a British agent sends a fax to his secretary: Tell your president he was holding the letter upside down.


emos are weird to me because they dress up all black and you know i dont like that so thats why i dont like it

dear doctor

ive heard its a good sign when women scream your first name during sex but recently women have been screaming my full name. its weird, i feel like im famous. Can you tell me what this means?

Yours Truly Ray Palp

So one day i have a wife but if its getting a longer day she is moving so weird and i see she has sex with rick astley😂 [rickrolled]

Guys, I know this is kinda weird, but everyone who wants to... Put your name and your age in the comment section. Not address though because that would not be good for creepers... Lol I am Lucy and I am 15 years old. What about you guys? :D

alirght im gonna drink the lo- carb one to see how it compares to the normal monster. holy shit it tastes just like the original one. theres like a weird afer taste though. kinda like a sparkling water one. i love monster ive drank about 5 cans already

Okay what do you call that purple thing your mom's top dresser drawer that she calls her best best friend so for some weird reason? Dad better look out from Bob battery operated boyfriend hahaha

I was watching The Perfect Murder with my boyfriend it was a good movie but the weird thing was that my boyfriend was taking notes through out the whole movie

if i had a dime for everytime the australian president shat himself in a mcdonalds, i would have one dime, which is not alot but its weird that it happened

Repeat after me..... *Me* You have a weird style.*mom*you have a weird style.*me*un not your mirror*runs away *

Some weird kid came into school today with his tagging gun, he tagged my friend really good. At the end he tagged 12 students and 1 teacher VICTORY ROAYAL ✌

I asked my mom is I could be Wednesday ( from the Addams family) She said no she said I would look creepy and weird she said I HAVE TO BE SOMETHING CUTE, the outfit looked ridicules, Everyone else looked spooky except for me ;-;