why cant orphans play video games because they don't have their parents email
Person 1: “How many ph vids have you watched today?”
Person 2: “Seven.”
Person 1: “What the fuck, dude.”
Person 2: “I know, right? I’ve gotten seven ads for Pizza Hut in the past hour.”
(Based on an encounter I had recently)
What’s the difference between how you watch porn and I watch porn The windows we Watch through
When I see the little brother in a video get everything, I try it and get grounded ;-;
2k14 was so realistic when I switched to Kobe, the pass button stopped working.
Where did the school kittens go for their field trip?
To the mew-seum!
Who said white people can't jump?
Look at the footage from 9/11.
Here is a dark joke for you guys... "Why do pornstars scream, "DADDY!" in their videos? Because they were child molested by their father!"
What is an orphan's favorite video game?
"Who's Your Daddy?"
This is the song we all misunderstood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S0QhGGO1gQ
"He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember." My father told me when I was just a child, "These are the nights that never die." My father told me."
Whenever I think about it deeply, it makes me wanna cry :(
I would try to make a Fortnite joke, but I can't seem to build on it.
"Just killed a woman, feeling good."
- Tommyinnit
How does a kid with no arms or legs like a video on YouTube when they say smash the like button?
They literally smash the like button "uuuuuugghghhhgBANG!"
What was the orphan's first video game console?
PS5 because it has no home button.
One more 360 noscope for my montage.
Men play video games to let their inner child out, while women do abortions.
Listen to the autism song on TikTok.
My wife and I’s gay marriage counselor advised us to watch porn together. So, we decided to try it out one day and search up lesbian shemale porn.
And that’s the day she found out she was a porn star.
I like porn a lot. I was wondering if you guys can talk to me.
These are bee puns.🐝
I BEElieve you are eager to hear!🐝
I love to BEE a little 9 years old writing on this page.🐝
(Last one) I want to BEEcome a BEE. ;-; I kid... Like this now and please Subscribe to Kelly Qin on YouTube and she is my mom and she has a bake channel!