Video Game

Video Game Jokes

What is a Fortnite player's favorite football team? The rabbit raiders! LOL! LMAO! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! LMAO! πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Like if you think Joel was a hero for saving Ellie instead of saving the world.

Sususususususu su usus u sussu susu susus us ususususus sususus red sussy amogus susususususus.

Dad: What do you call a crazy creeper?

Mom: Shit, I don't know...

Kid: Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Dad: That's my boy's!!!

If Red gets voted out, what happened?

Red is not voted out, Red is a hacker, so he kills Blue. OK, so someone found Blue's body. Red said, "Where?"

Lime, Green, and Purple said, "How is Red not dead?"

Red: "I am a hacker, you noobs!"

Lime, Green, and Purple run.

Red killed them all. Red is the win, but he is not the win.

Black killed Red. Black is the win.


Sans: I like eating ketchup, don't believe me? It's ASRIEL as it gets!

UT Sans to UT pap: You FORGHETTIE the spaghetti!!!

Ink sans: umm lust? That's INKAPPROPRIATE!

Fell sans: I hate these double standards...if you burn a body at a crematorium you're doing "a good job," do it at home and your "destroying evidence."

Error sans: Every time you make a typo, the errorists win.

Me playing a game...

What did God just stop? Are hearts cause we didn't kill each other.

Like if that was good.