Runescape is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective.
What do Call of Duty players say when they shoot up a school?
(If you understand the joke, you're a god.)
When the school shooter kills five people, and the autistic kid yells, "Heroes never die!"
Does anyone have an Xbox One? My gamertag is Chalkyfrog11. Add me and comment on this post telling me your gamertag.
If Stephen Hawking had a FIFA card, he would have 99 dribbling.
Me and my cancer
Are like a game of Fortnite.
I’ll never win.
Poopy pants! Ha! Got 'em! Use Code Fred_5001 in the Fortnite item shop.
"1v1 me bitch!"
Random person: Minecraft is actually more peaceful than real life.
Me: Well, screw life. Maybe if I light a fire on myself, I will go to Minecraft (my excuse for suicide).
Why is Sonic so fat? He eats too many chili dogs.
Lucas is bronze 1 in RL.
What made people mad?
Planes in Fortnite Battle Royale!
"1v1 me in Clash, you're trash, bro."
One thing you can ask Mario:
"Can you jump up and down for me?"
I would like to make a Minecraft joke...
It would be too plain.
Hey girl, are you a wizard? Because you cast lit in my Final Fantasy!
I killed a Wood elf yesterday. The guard charged me with... mer-der.
Let me Lickitung until you Squirtle.
Murder: Wanna play a game?
Me: Ok (pulls out Xbox controller)