A teacher wanted to sing so she did this is what she said "you have no family, even though broker than me"
I don’t know why I’m in jail so basically I was at a gun range and we were suppose to hit the targets even though I hit it
Bully: ur momma so fat that the whales said we r family even though ur a little bigger tah us
Nerd: yo momma so ugly tat when she went in the bathtub the water jumped out
It wasn't Islam that radicalised the terrorists who did 9/11
Jenga comes to mind though !
Not a joke; just a statement:
Everything on here is unoriginal! 😂 But just because every word on here is unoriginal, it doesn’t change the way we feel. Our feelings are the only thing that is original because our feelings are our own. Even though others have the same or similar feelings! Our feelings are still our own. And sharing those feelings with words spoken from another just means we are NOT ALONE in our feelings.
Who is the fastest reader? 9/11, it went through 10 stories in 7 seconds.
Suicide is just freedom, life is just full of pain... Sometimes if you're gone maybe somebody might notice. Feels like life is a maze and the only way to leave is the exit. Nobody notices your pain, your suffering, and that you try your best though everyone notices your mistakes. Life just feels like everyone hates you. Life for me is just faking smiles, I'm not sure how everyone lives such a good life.
Armless guy: Even though I don’t have arms. I can do anything u normal people can do. Me: 🎵If you’re happy and u know it clap ur hands! 🎶
I get so many thing stuck in my head, though, unfortunately none of them were a bullet.
looking out for becoming a pilot, can y'all suggest some good mosques?
don't want to learn the landing part though, allah said it's unnecessary.
Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys for being stupid. Their favorite joke is to offer Johnny his choice between a nickel and a dime Little Johnny always takes the nickel. One day, after Johnny takes the nickel, a neighbor takes him aside and says, “Johnny, those boys are making fun of you. Don’t you know that a dime is worth more than a nickel, even though the nickel’s bigger?” Johnny grins and says, “Well, if I took the dime, they’d stop doing it, and so far I’ve made $20!”
Love that dress, it would look much better on my floor though.
I burnt down an orphanage and then showed an orphan the orphanage that I burned down and he loved it. Not really though.
best friend *hold a sign up that says "what gender are you"* Me:uh male?.. best frend *then unfolds paper so it reads "what gender are you attracted to?"* Me: you silly goose *silence for like three sec* Me:still male though-
Your mom is so fat that when she saw Moby Dick she said we are family... even though you're bigger than me.
Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ive been so busy!!!! I miss yall though!
Someone was throwing Stephen King books at everyone. I had no idea why though...
Then IT hit me.
My girlfriend is growing watermelons not in the ground though (we had fun that night)
I made a website about orphans. It didn’t have a homepage though.
I wish I could follow you, though. But you need an account so I could follow you. But you don't have one. :'(