What is Steven hawking's least favorite movie? Standing tall
Steven Hawking Died due to the bios update, he shutdown cuz the power cable got chewed
When I went to heaven I saw Steven hawking standing there I asked why he isn’t gone into heaven yet he said there is stairs
Why does no-one look up at Steven hawking?
You have to look down to see him.
So Steven Hawking wake into a bar... Just kidding
Steven hawking died
Why did Steven Hawking only tell one-liners?
Because he couldn't do standup.
When Steven Hawking’s realizes heaven is only a stairway away
what is steven hawkings mum? Your mum!
Steven hawking did not die he deleted him self
Does anyone know where I can get that picture that went around the internet of Steven Hawking looking at the stairway to Heaven and saying “Oh Fu-k”
Why does Steven hawkings only do one liners?
Cause he can’t do stand up
Steven Hawking walks into a bar... Yeah.
(Not Original Joke)
Steven hawking is the fastest footballer ever-he could just charge up the Left Wing
The reason Steven hawking died is he lost his internet connection
What do you call steven hawkings on fire Hot wheels
Why did Steven hawking snot go to heaven ?
Because there is no ramp to heaven
Steven Hawking lost the wifi connection on March 14, 2018.
How is Steven hawking so smart... he uploads it to his software
how does steven hawking go to the toilet? he logs out