Mom told me to get more in touch with my feminine side. So I crashed the car.
an adopted kid is walking to school when an emo kid aportes him hey says the emo kid do you have rope No replies the adopted kid Dang it i hate you says the emo kid "now the adopted one is angry" Well at least im loved says the adopted kid.
if you know a emo kid please stay away the depression is contagions I,m a survivor like if you dislike emos.
What is the email password of a black person?
Why can't Asians play Baseball?
Because they ate the bat.
if you're gay, does that mean you're sexist?
Like if your best friend is emo.
My uncle can't walk straight. I think it's because he's gay.
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
Teach a feminist to fish and she will accuse you of patronising her, claim she knew how to do it anyway, and that even if she didn’t, she could easily work it out without the help of a man.
What's flat chested and emo? A cutting board.
Why can't Asians make a white baby?
Cause two wongs don't make a white.
Q: What is the difference between a battery and a woman?
A: A battery has a positive side.
I told the emo girl that I bet she's jealous of the hanging lights in the gym.
What do you call a black person with a gun? Black ops.
Why do Indians hate snow?
Because it's white and all over their land.
So little Johnny was on the bus, and the bus driver already hated him. So he started to talk to himself JUST loud enough for the bus driver to hear.
"If my dad was a bull, and my mom was a cow, that would make me... a little bull!"
"If my dad was a rooster, and my mom was a hen, that would make me... a little rooster!"
And by this point, the bus driver was fed up with him, so he said:
"Ok little Johnny, I got one for you: If your dad was a drunk, and your mom was a whore, what would that make you?"
Little Johnny smiled and said: "A bus driver!"
Every time there's a family reunion, a baby is born 9 months later.
In chess, why does the queen have more mobility than the king?
Because the chessboard looks like a kitchen floor.
How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Only Juan.
Why can't Chinese people play baseball?
Because they eat the bat.
I was in class doing sex education. We were learning about sexual stereotypes. My teacher turns to the class and asks “If anyone could tell him what a sexual stereotype was?” So I raised my hand and said “Asians have small penis” he looked at me and said “very good. But I was looking for a definition.