I believe in a woman's right to choose...
...whether she wants to cook first and then clean or clean first and then cook.
Everything is so racist these days, you can't even say "black paint" anymore. You now have to say "Tyrone can you please paint that wall?"
Stop making jokes about disabled people; they can’t stand up for themselves.
Bro, I love hanging out with bullies. It's either we play Yahtzee or we playing Nazi.
Why did the emo leave the bar?
Because it was happy hour.
My cousin said being gay was such a pain in the ass and I asked him why and I said, "Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, I get made fun of." and I said, "Why? Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, turd." Then I said, "Wow, at least I'm not the one with real pains in my ass, bro."
What do you call a triggered white kid? A school shooter!
Don't be racist! BE LIKE MARIO!
He's an Italian plumber, created by the Japanese, who speaks English, and looks like a Mexican, jumps like a black man, and grabs coins like a Jew.
What mental disorder do all Mexicans have?
Borderline Personality Disorder
What’s the difference between a retard and a zombie? Nothing much, they both dribble, moan, are hungry, walk weirdly, and it takes a bullet in the head to put them both down.