My Wife Slept With Another Man And Got Pregnant, She Told Me 9 Weeks Later, I Said It's Ok And Told Her Let's Talk Downstairs, So I Pushed Her Down The Stairs
Why Did the stairs move - Because it was up to somthing
whats stephen hawkings worst nightmare stairs
What do u call a autistic kid going down the stairs in a wheel chair hot wheels
What do you call staring stares
swear i witnessed ur nana fall down the stairs
I saw some kids bullying a kid in a wheelchair. i grabbed the kid, pushed him down the stairs and said,"gta physics."
why do i love a block? because i can fall off the stairs
I was falling down the stairs at my local clock tower
I somehow broke more than 206
I broke 342
a little girl and a little boy are taking a bath together when the little girl looks down and asks " whats that" the little boy says that's my little red race car. 10 minutes later the boy looks down and ask's whats that,the little girl says "that's my little red race car garage. so later that night the boy ask's the little girl if he can put his little red race car in her little red race car garage, She say yes and they pull down there pants and the boy try's putting his little red race car in her garage but it won't fit down stairs the mother hears an ear piercing scream and runs up stairs flips on the lights and see's blood on the floor the mother ask's "what happened the little girl say's "we tried putting his car in my garage and it wouldn't fit so i cut the back wheels off"
What do you get when you put a baby in a box of razor blades, and throw it down the stairs?
An erection!
How did Stephen Hawkins make it up the stair way to heaven? Well he didn’t they invented an elevator
Where was stephen hawkings during the house fire... the top of the stairs
It's okay to tell a Stephen hawking joke, if there's stairs in your house he can't get to you. Plus he shut himself down so it's all good:)
How did the Asian couple name their child? They dropped pots and pans down the stairs and listened to the noises.