The more suicidal people there are, the less suicidal people there are... Woah!
What did the police say on the TV during 9/11?
"Call 911!"
You think on a airplane when a muslim guy gets on, people look at him and think... "Aw, fuck."
If you're bored, punch an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?
I'm the second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
How does a disabled person play chess?
I think you forgot they don't have legs.
What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple?
One gets picked.
What's the difference between an apple and an orphan?
One gets picked.
What are the subtitles when a disabled person speaks in a movie?
What do orphans and olden day actors have in common?
Both get food thrown at them some of the time.
It's not funny to joke about orphans. Without any education, they'd never understand what the jokes mean.
What is the best feeling for an orphan when he plays Grand Theft Auto?
When he is wanted!
This humor is so dark, it's darker than the Black population.
I have a friend whose birthday is on September 11th.
They're going to have an explosive party that will definitely blow you away!
It's gonna be the bomb, and a blast, too!
Why did the orphan try to get hurt?
Because then they would get surrounded with people who care about him.
He looks around, no one is there.
Punch an orphan, what are they going to do? Tell their parents?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Twins who?
Twins go boom boom today on 9/11.
Well, yo mama is fat, and when she loses weight, all the food that she has is hers, but the Africans get none.
Why don't orphans have a site page?
Because there's no home page.
Rape isn't a joke.
It's a type of way of making friends and to mate with other women.
It's a way of art, and works on anybody!
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