These are not funny. Those that are adopted feel hurt by these!
You shall feel ashamed of yourself!
Take the L! - Losers
Virginia is false advertising. Couldn't find many virgins there.
How many lesbians does it take to change a light bulb? None, they can't change anything.
I am just kidding, you know gay jokes aren't funny, come on guys.
Orphans are like a trash can; they live outside.
It wasn't Islam that radicalized the terrorists who did 9/11.
Jenga comes to mind, though!
Miksi Michael Jackson sopisi joulupukiksi?
Hän tyhjentää säkkinsä lapsiin.
What sound does an Indian make when you're trying to fuck it? ieieieie.
This is coming from an Indian btw and I find it very racist and it all stereotypes.
Why did a Mexican go to Home Depot?
Because he thought it said "Home Deport."