If I had a dollar for every gender, I would only have one dollar because women are objects and men are superior.
How do Chinese people name their kids?
They roll a coin down the staircase and it says, "Ching chang chong..."
A Muslim enters a building...
Along with 500 passengers and an airplane.
How do you fit three gay guys on a bar stool?
Flip it upside down.
Why do disabled people get picked on so much?
Spongebob is yellow, and he can't drive.
Must be Asian.
Why can't Helen Keller drive?
Because she's a woman.
Why did the chicken cross road? Because fuck society that's why
How do you find a redneck virgin?
Just look for a 4-year-old. They can run faster than her brothers.
Why can't orphans play baseball?
They can't find home.
When someone has an imaginary friend, you call them weird and crazy.
But when a group of people have an imaginary friend, you call it religion. :)
What do you do after you rape a deaf girl?
Cut off her fingers so she can't tell anyone.
Q: Why are gay people never late for their flight?
A: They get their shit packed the night before.
Two pedophiles meet each other. Then one asks if he wanted to trade "2 of 5" for "1 of 10?"
Why did the pedophile cross the road?
To get to the other preschool.
Touch Down.
If I had a dollar for every gender, I would have 2 dollars and a bunch of counterfeits.
Q: What do you call a man in a wheelchair?
A: Disabled.