Rock and Orphans

I found a rock at the park. I threw it at some orphans.

What would they do? Go to their family?



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, genius. The joke is funny because orphans don't have families. So the punchline makes fun of the fact that throwing a rock at them wouldn't make them run to family, because they don't got any. It's dark, and it's funny... if you have a brain, which you don't, LOL.

Comments (8)

Thats not funny In the slightest, just offensive!!! Whoever wrote that joke needs to grow up and act their age, and clearly they don’t know the line between dark humour and just pure rudeness. normally I have a brilliant sense of humour but to someone like myself who has a visual impairment and who has been through the care system it’s not funny in the slightest it’s a very hard life. Just some advice Think before you post in future.

and i am legally blind as well and have been through foster care and I make these jokes all the time. Stop thinking about your own feelings and try to find some fun in it.

Jesus Christ Alie. You act like it actually happened, but it didn’t, did it? Unless it did.. if it did then it’s rude. This whole website is off of these types of jokes, don’t take them personally.

And I’m sorry that happened to you, honestly. But this is a ORPHAN JOKE PAGE.

if your blind, then how are you typing dumbass bitch

shut the hell up tom and grow up for god sakes yall act like babies you fucking sluts

The hell is wrong with you? It’s a J O K E. You take things too seriously, if you don’t like the jokes LEAVE.