Slavery is like Pokémon, you gotta catch them all.
What do you call a crowd of horny white women?
A field of cotton waiting to be picked.
How is slavery different from Pokémon?
There are different types of Pokémon.
How is slavery different from Pokémon?
The types you can have.
I'd tell a slavery joke but they've been flogged to death.
Dude, what if 9/11 happened because they wanted slavery back?
Roses are red, potato chips are savory...
The United States prison system is legalized slavery.
In fields of gold, where sunshine beams, Monkeys swing and play, it's their dreams. Their fur so soft, their eyes so bright, Picking cotton with delight.
Their little hands so quick and neat, Plucking the cotton, can't be beat. They chatter and laugh, they dance and play, In the fields all day, they'll stay.
Their tails so long, their ears so big, They're quite the sight, it's quite a gig. They're busy as can be, you see, In the fields of cotton, they're free.
So let us marvel at these little thieves, In the fields of gold, they give and receive. Their antics bring us joy and delight, In the fields of cotton, they're always right.
Why don't black people go on cruises? They're not falling for that one again.
2023- my dad is a cop.
1800- my dad owns your dad.
Why was the slave so happy? Because he got his master's degree.
I was walking with my black best friend, and he was meeting my parents, and after I got there, they said, "Who's this?" I said, "Well, I own him."
What was the most useful tool in the 17th century?
How do you know when a woman is going to have a black baby?
When she takes the tampon out, all the cotton is picked.
What's the same with shoes and slaves?
When they get loose, you tie them up.
People are pushing for a new black Lady Liberty coin. I can't wait to use black people as currency again.
Where does cotton candy come from? The cotton pickers!
Why did the slave go to college?
To get his master's degree.
What do you call a pregnant slave? Buy one get one free.
What do you call a pregnant slave? A two for one deal.