Someone raped my ear, now I have hearing aids.
Why is rape worse than death?
Because dead people get way more attention.
A guy walks into a bar. He sees a hot girl. He walks up to her and says, "You're getting laid tonight." She replies, "What are you, some sort of psychic?" He says, "No, I'm just stronger than you."
An orphan girl wanted a family so she was raped until pregnant. Problem solved.
You are walking through the woods when you cross a woman who has been raped and beheaded. What is the first thing you do?
Check your map, you’re obviously going in circles.
i raped a dog. When asked how her experience was, she said ruff
How do you avoid getting raped? Just don't say no!
I'm not looking for consent, I'm looking for cooperation!
What type of people think rape jokes are funny?
Only the coolest people in the world! I fucking love you guys 😂
What's the difference between yes and no...
Q. How does a feminist stop a rapist?
A. By using her equal strength.
So, I was raping this girl the other night, and she said, "Please just think of my kids!" I was like, "What a freak."
All rape can be prevented. It's just a matter of semantics.
"_____ abortion clinic, you rape it, we scrape it.
_____ sperm bank, you spank it, we bank it."
What did the sex offender frog say to the other sex offender frog when a hot frog passed them?
Ever heard of a rape victim with Alzheimers? Yeah, neither have they.
Why did the rape victim think it was Christmas?
Because her clothes were torn off like wrapping paper.
It's only rape.
If she finds out.
It isn't really rape if you speak different languages. I mean, how is the man supposed to know what she is saying? Those could be tears of joy and screams of pleasure.
Why can't religious women be raped? Because they are taught to never say no!