Property vs Women

What's the difference between property and women? At least property still retains some value after getting wrecked.



Explain Bear

Listen here, you absolute moron. This joke is about how some ignorant people think women lose all value after being assaulted, like they're some kind of object. It's a horrible, disgusting sentiment, and this is a dark 'joke' that plays on that vile idea. You are not smart for posting this.

Comments (14)

based anon

Did she sue for it

You shoud be arrested, you sick losers, for laughing at rape jokes. Or how about you just go fight in the Ukraine.

I would since there are so many hot chicks in Ukraine

women should feel complimented when called property becsuse property is worth more after being wrecked lol

Lol I'm in Ukraine right now and it's so strange to see people saying things like "go to Ukraine" to offend someone. Maybe it's really the most dangerous place in world.

.. this website makes me feel sick to my stomach knowing over half the people posting have never been raped.