What do Stephen Hawking and the Wicked Witch have in common?
If you throw water over them, they both die...
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
Because of gravity.
Stephen Hawking walks into a bar. Oh, wait, he doesn’t walk.
Have you heard of the new book about anti-gravity?
Well, I just can't seem to put it down.
Why did Stephen Hawking not believe in God?
Computers don’t really have a specific religion
Stephen Hawking's last words were, "Ethernet cable not detected, shutting down."
What's steven Hawking shampoo?
-Head and shoulders 😊
Steven Hawking will be greatly missed for the time he walked this earth.
Why was Stephen Hawking good at football? Because he is a pro dribbler.
For steven hawking why is being drunk and having his power shutout the same He blacks out
What do you called Stephen Hawking on fire?
Hot Wheels
if stephen hawkings had a fifa card he would have 99 dribling
What always roars, but cannot talk? What always moves, but cannot walk?
A waterfall.