Why are heterosexual women jealous of gay men?
because gay men can perform fellatio on men better than they can.
What do you call a heterosexual man performing fellatio on another heterosexual man bisexual
Why did the dog join the marching band?
Because he had his trum-bone.
Why did the moth nibble a hole in the carpet?
He wanted to see a floor show.
My wife and I have been married over 30 years. But don’t get me wrong, we still perform tricks in the bedroom. I sit up and beg, she rolls over and plays dead.
Most people say I'm a clown. Yet they don't laugh at my jokes. Most people avoid me, because I'm a "clown". Yet I'm not the center of the circus. But I know I'm gonna be a clown forever. Because I can't take this damn mask off, no matter how hard I try.
Weeks later: Finally I found out why I'm being called a clown...because my smiling face is fake...
Did you hear about the flood at the circus? Lots of people drowned and there were two clowns that survived and two nuns still in the audience. The two clowns ran over to the two nuns, and each one put a nun on his shoulder. Then they waded out of the big top, up to their waists in the rapid, turbulent water. As they were reaching dry land, one clown said to the other, "if you ask me, this is virgin on the ridiculous!"
It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.
What did Harry Houdini say when he did his famous vanishing act at a sushi place "Now sashimi now you don't"
Joaquin Phoenix as The Joker is like Heath Ledger if he overdosed on prescription drugs... Oh, wait. He already did.