
People Jokes

small word of advice:Don't wait till next month or next year to do stuff with the people you love cuz they may be gone by then, you don't realize but every second there is someone who dies and it just could be your loved one.

It's quite ironic that people tell you "Happy Birthday", then they want to give you a spanking.

When you donate a kidney, you are a total hero, everyone loves you

When you donate five kidneys though, people start yelling, the police gets called - sheesh

There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't.

Three people die on the same day: a German, an American, and an Italian. They all go to Hell for various reasons. American: I won't ever see my dog again! Italian: I won't ever make pizzas again! German: Hey, granddad, how have you been?

If you play the movie Jaws in reverse it's a heartwarming story about a shark who gives arms and legs do disabled people.

My dad said people shouldn’t get ribbons just for participating because it rewards them for losing.

So I took down his confederate flag.