
Paper Jokes

I got these to people in my class we call them twin towers so when I hered about I threw a paper at plane at them

A blind man handed me a piece of paper it said "⠊⠋ ⠽⠕⠥ ⠉⠁⠝ ⠞⠗⠁⠝⠎⠇⠁⠞⠑ ⠞⠓⠊⠎ ⠽⠕⠥ ⠁⠗⠑ ⠛⠁⠽" I have no idea how he knew.

best friend *hold a sign up that says "what gender are you"* Me:uh male?.. best frend *then unfolds paper so it reads "what gender are you attracted to?"* Me: you silly goose *silence for like three sec* Me:still male though-

my teacher asked me what my favirote number was yesterday and i said 2977, i chose 91 for my football jersey number and sharpied a 1 after the other 1, and my teacher mr jacksons dad died in 9/11 and when he was talking about it friday the 9th i threw a paper airplane at him and got suspended for 3 days starting monday

Today I had an exam in school. When I was done, I raised my hand and yelled “Pisstiano Penaldo!”

My teacher smiled and took my paper. She knew I was finished.

When I die I what to have a piece of paper near me giving a clue on how I died, like, "I want everyone to miss me except for this bullet," or," You didn't hang with me but guess what did?"

So at school there are these twins at my school so I folded two paper airplanes to throw at them once I realized I why it felt so wrong to do it I had already threw them I hit the north then the south one.

Why did the toilet paper get to the bottom oj the hill? Because he went down the drain! -its a bad joke lmao