What do you call a child with no family? Names
I asked a kid at my work where his parents were. He started crying. Man, I don't know what I did. I'll ask another kid at the orphanage.
I know an orphan named Zara and he has never hade homemade food
Why does a orphan go to a sewer So it can wash up
Why did the orphan have a empty bowl Because they already ate their supper
Why are orphans bad at baseball
They can't find home
How are you and an orphan similar
Both of your fathers are invisible
orphans are monkeys
People shoulde build orphanages next to grave yards so at leats orphans can see their parents
whats an orphans fav meme. Homer going into a bush might take a while to notice and this one is bad
theres one shop orphans cant go but what is it Home depot
I was walking past an orphan and I said Just go home
How do you know if an Asian is an orphan? If their grade was only an A.
What does a orphan wish they could do?
Wish happy Mothers Day and Father's Day
i dont have a joke its just funny reading them
why can't an orphan be gay.because they have no one to call daddy
why couldn't the orphan get an android... because it didn't have a home button
what is the difference between a orphan and a deaf kid? they can't hear or speak to theirs parents that never came back
What’s the difference between Kendrick Lamar and an orphan
He has family ties
why did the orphan cry when he got back home
because he did not have one