Why was Stephen hawking late to the NASA meeting He couldn't get up the kerb
Folow me on twitch at AKA_Benjamin
Your mamma's so fat, the aliens call her their mother ship!
Nasa = Not Africa North America.that what nasa stands for
What Does NASA stand for ? Neil Armweak Sorry Armstrong
Everyone: What does NASA mean?
NASA's response: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Everyone: What does NASA mean?
Arinator's response: National Ariana and Space Ariana.
If dustys dad from home daddy 2 was in nasa How come he is not famous
How Jupiter was discovered.once there was a fat lady who farted yellow,orange,and peache.all that fart went to space and created a planet that nasa sall and went over their there but it smelled really bad
My uncle got sued from NASA the other day. He claimed to be the first one to enter Uranus.
When do astronauts eat?
At launch time!
Bitch wanna make me a sandwich?
Yo mama so tall!!! when she wake up from her bed she stands up and found NASA beside her face, and she thinks it's a fly!!!
Yo mama so fat! when she jumps into a pool, NASA found water on Mars!!!!!
What does NASA mean? No Apes Submit Astronauts.
yo mama so stupid, that she thought NASA is a GAMING PROGRAM!!!!
Whats the difference between NASA and religion
NASA takes you through space Religion takes you through two towers
What does NASA stand for? Need Another Seven Astronauts.
How does NASA organize a party? -- They planet.
Yo mama so fat, NASA has a satellite orbiting around her.