Why can't Michael Jackson ever win in a race? Because he always comes in a little behind.
What did Chris Brown say when he saw Rihanna?
"I'd hit that."
Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
When he asked who the best composer was, they all replied, "Bach, Bach, Bach."
My fish can break dance. Only for 20 seconds and only once.
Why does Helen Keller hate the national anthem? Oh, say, can you see?
What do Michael Jackson and the Captain from the Spongebob theme song have in common? They both say "are you ready kids?"
I hear skeletons like to play the saxaBONE, though I think the tromBONE would be better, but tibia honest, both can be HUMERUS, wouldn't wanna hurt your funny bone, but I think your starting to get BONELY so I'll stop pulling your leg. Now get out before I give you a bad time.
Why did Beyonce say "to the left to the left"?
Because women don't have rights.
Who's the best at musical chairs?
Stephen Hawking.
What is a necrophiliac's favorite band?
How do you make someone in Africa disappointed?
Sing "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head."
What did Michael Jackson say to the kid on his lap? "Just beat it, just beat it."
Why does Michael Jackson like to play ping pong or table tennis? He likes to play with the little balls.
The quiet kid starts playing "Pumped Up Kicks" in the parking lot before school.
What is Wacko Jacko's favorite David Bowie song?
"Boys Keep Swinging."
What did MC Hammer say to Michael Jackson?
"U Can't Touch Kids."
One Erection would be a very nice name for a gay band.
I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a shopping bag?
One's made of plastic and is dangerous for children to play with, the other one carries your shopping.
When I grow up, I wanna be like Lil Peep... Dead.