how do you saw apple with no mouth a p p l e LMAO
Yo mama so fat,
She doesn't fit in a titan's mouth
(Attack on titan; Shingeki no Kyojin)
there were three men, and two of them died, the last man alive said " that's two less mouths to feed"
What do you call a animal with 3 eyes 2 mouth 6 noses and 4 ears
I have 3 eyes 2 ears and 6 mouths, what am I UGLY!
Apparently, Monica Lewinsky didn't vote for Hillary Clinton this election. She said the last Clinton presidency left a bad taste in her mouth.
What's the difference between jam and jelly?
You can't jelly your cock into a girl's mouth.
What do cannibals eat to freshen their breath?
Men toes.
What did one fish say to the other?
Keep your mouth shut and you'll never get caught.