DId you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a sode can? He was lucky it was a soft drink
I went to a muffler party......it was exhausting!
What is batman's favorite food (ans Just-ice)
Hurricane Irma, it blows.
Want to hear a joke? My life Get it?
what do you call a std Elenji
SfghwejghUjvgvCbvbvKbvwbgvwMfhbgwvYljcfbDjhgwvIldcfClcbqlbKjfblerv XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Do you think the ocean is salty because the beach never waves back?
Why did Stephen hawking cross the road oh wait he didn't
abcdef ghijklmnop qrstuv
Why did the scarecrow get an award? He was outstanding in his field. Okay, I'll admit it's corny.
Doin doin your mom, doin doin your mom
I have 2000 pounds of one-ton soup
Opponents fist attacks your face, no you can not activate a trap card.
If a Sped is late for class is it wrong to call them tardy
I lost my job at a research facility,the people were too chill for me.