your so small you went surfing on an ice lolly!
your so small you went handgliding on a dorito!
know knock whos there a a who bless you
your face
my life
kill me pls
Why don't you shower with a Pokemon? He might Pikachú.
what are you. on youtube
What is always moving but we never see it walk?
Time! Hahahaha!
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
Because of gravity.
what the difference between arsenal & westham? arsenal can win trophies and win games
What do you call a black man on the moon?
An astronaut.
Why did the cow smell?
'Cause the horse gave it a pat on the back.
ur life
what do you call link when he is hurt. a link to the cast
Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven six five!
whats asian but has broken up with its girlfriend a DUMPling
this one time i said that john cena looks like crap but i realised i cant see him LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
this one time i said to a person that tehy are dry they i was wet (ba dum tiss) my bully said i have to shut up i said shut down (ba dum tiss)
We asked our teacher many times for an atlas and he said "atlast you can have one"