
Miscellaneous Jokes

Mom: You need to grow up. You're so immature.

Me: *glares* Get out of my castle....

Mom: It's a pillow fort.

Me: Why can't I have an imagination! ?

Mom: You're almost 19 years old.

Me: Not good enough... OUT!

A retard walks into a bar

Bartender: Hey retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard

THank you for listening to joke , sincerly - Jokeman87848584

A mom says to her son: "Hey can you wave to that deaf kid over there" The son: "I don't know, can I?" The mom: "May you?" The son: "No I don't have any arms!"

My friend asked me how fast my humor was, and I said it jumps borders. Then he asked how dark my humor is, and I said it picks cotton.