Which animal has the largest chest? A Z-bra.
How do you get a koala to die ? Kill it
I. Have no dad no milk and no mom so that means no tits like if u can relate
why cant chines people play base ball because they ate the bat
READ THIS OUT LOUD: This is this cat This is cat This is how cat This is to cat This is keep cat This is an cat This is idiot cat This is a busy cat This is a for cat This is forty cat this is seconds cat NOW- go back and read the third word from each line from the start.
So There was a male whale and a female whale swimming threw the ocean .One day the male whale sees a ship and says "that's the ship that killed my parents" . So they go to the ship and blow the ship over and throw the men overboard into the sea. The male whale sees the man who killed his parents and he was still alive so he opened his mouth and went for the man but out nowhere the female whale yells. " HEY!!, I was in it for the blowjob but I'm not gonna eat sea men"
Q: If a cat says to a dog all dogs are liars and the dog says to the cat all cats are liars what does it mean?
A; It means cats and dogs can talk.
What's big black and touches children?
Why is a elephent big,grey, and hairy?
A cheetah and a lion are racing... The cheetah wins...
The lion says, "You a cheetah!"
The cheetah replies, "Nah, you a lion!"
Why is the koala not a bear? It doesn't have the right koalafications.
Where do you mix a bunny and a hare
Bunny hare
what is the difference between a cow and me
Donkeys are cool.
One did one male whale say to the other male whale? She's gonna blow!
why did the bat cross the road because to get blood bar
I would never kill an animal. I'm more of a people person.
What is a cow on two legs?
What's goes "Ooooooo."? A cow with no lips
Why did the zebra cross the road