
Make Jokes

I decided to make to a charity bungee jump for the local disabled it's called spastics on elastics


my girlfriend wanted a marriage just like a fairy tale. fair enough. i gave her a loaf of bread and left her in the forest, telling her we can get married once she makes her way out.

There are too many suicidal people in this world. I’m going to make sure there is at least one less.

I went to a library and I started to make fun of a disabled guy he started crying and I said stand up for you self

(True story) Today I was bring some tortilla chips upstairs for some chips and dip, and I dropped them, so my mom goes “oh, now they’re broken.” And I took an opportunity to make a pun, so I said, “No, they’re just chipped.”

I was making love to this girl and she started crying. I said, “Are you going to hate yourself in the morning?” She said, “No, I hate myself now.” – Rodney Dangerfield

What are two plus sides to being an orphan are? 1.All your snacks are family sized one can make jokes about your mama.