How do you know you are blessed by God?
You don’t laugh at, make light of, or enjoy the evils and suffering people are inflicting on themselves and upon each other
Why is it ok to make fun of orphans Because they cant tell their parents
How to get free robux: buy robux to make a game to get more robux.
i make phones. for orphans sadly it has no home button
Why shouldn't you make an orphan cry?
Because they won't have a parent to cry to.
What makes Mrs Grape 🍇 a good mother?
Raisin her kids
for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 70 cents. That’s unfair! Now the man only has 30 cents!
What did the train made of glue make? GLUE GLUUUUUUUUUUUE
Little Johnny is watching his dad shave one morning and his dad was making alot of mistakes. Suddenly his dad screams " bitches and asses!" Johnny asks what it meant and his dad replied " aunts and uncles" Oh. next thing he hears is “dicks and pussies!” Johnny asks " what’s that mean?" To which his dad replied " uh coats and hats." Oh next thing he know he sees his dad jumping around the the bathroom yelling " fucking, fuck,fuck,Fuck" " what does that mean dad?" And his dad yells " cut Johnny, it means cut!!!" Oh. Next week is Thanksgiving and the doorbell rings and Johnny answers it and says " Hey bitches and asses, hang your dicks and pussies here, dad’s in the kitchen fucking the turkey.
snowman and snowwomen and take a stomack peice makes snowballs
i have an announcement, shadow the hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker he pissd on my fucking wife and he said he dick was this big and i said that's disgusting so im making a callout post on my twitter dot com shadow u got a small dick it looks like this walnut except way smaller