
Make Jokes

I was talking to this absolutely gorgeous woman, and I asked her, “What do you do?” And she said, “I’m a brain surgeon.” And I don’t know if this makes me sexist or not, but I was really impressed.

Most women can’t pull off sarcasm.

Q: The person who makes it doesn't say what it is.

The person who receives it doesn't know what it is.

The person who knows what it is doesn't want it.

What am I?

A: A baby.

What's about 12 inches long, has a purple head, and can make women scream all night?

Cot death.


Guy spills milk on me. I say, "It's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes, but apparently your mom made a big one."


My daughter said I could never make a car out of spaghetti. You should have seen the look on her face when I drove pasta!